Community Management of High Value Conservation Areas in the Mountains of Northern Mozambique

Community Management of High Value Conservation Areas in the Mountains of Northern Mozambique

Client – Bird Life International, IUCN and CEPF
Location – Chiperone Mountain, Milange District, Zambézia Province
Year – 2015
Time – 4 months in development

Ecological and socially based study of a vulnerable and strategically important ecosystem around Monte Chiperone in the province of Zambézia, Mozambique.

Monte Chiperone is a remote and largely unknown mountainous area, but with a wealth of species yet to be discovered. It presents isolated features of the forest that were separated by many thousands of years. In 2014, researchers found that Mount Chiperone is home to many species not found anywhere else, an example of which is the pygmy chameleon of a different species, as well as new species of snakes and butterflies that have recently been found in this area. The expedition stated that many more discoveries are expected in the future.

The focus of this project is to manage and protect this important conservation area.

Financial Plan for the Conservation Areas System in Mozambique

Financial Plan for the Conservation Areas System in Mozambique

Client – ANAC / MITUR
Location – Mozambique
Year – 2014 – 2015
Time – 8 months in development

This project was intended for the preparation of the Financial Plan for the Conservation Areas System in Mozambique, for a medium term period, in favor of a sustainable financial and ecological management of natural resources, biodiversity conservation and well-being of humanity.

Financial planning will include cost estimates for different types of conservation areas (and their protection zones), all included within the scope of the new Conservation Policy for Mozambique (National Parks, National Reserves including Biological and Marine Reserves, Forest Reserves and community reserves).

Management Plan for the Conservation Area in the Nampula and Zambézia Archipelago in Mozambique

Management Plan for the Conservation Area in the Nampula and Zambézia Archipelago in Mozambique

Client – ANAC / MITUR
Location – Nampula and Zambézia – Mozambique
Year – 2014 – 2015
Time – 6 months in development

Elaboration of the Environmental Management Plan for the islands of the Archipelago along the coast of the provinces of Zambézia and Nampula in Mozambique (referred to as APAIPS). This Plan’s main objective is to ensure the following development activities:

(1) Protect, conserve and restore ecosystems, species and genetic diversity and marine and coastal resources, ensuring the continuous transition between different ecosystems;

(2) Encourage and facilitate sustainable development based on the sustainable exploitation of resources in APAIPS, in the areas of the provinces of Nampula and Zambézia;

(3) Reconcile the economic interests of the different stakeholders in APAIPS;

(4) Guarantee the sustainability of APAIPS itself through the adoption of appropriate mechanisms for fundraising, operational systems and efficient management and development of partnerships with other relevant entities and research institutions that support the project.

Environmental Impact Analysis for Rehabilitation and Improvement of the Marine Biology Research Station on the Island of Inhaca

Environmental Impact Analysis for Rehabilitation and Improvement of the Marine Biology Research Station on the Island of Inhaca

Client – Embassy of Sweden
Location – Inhaca Island – Mozambique
Year – 2014 – 2015
Time – 5 months in development

Verde Azul was hired by the Swedish Embassy to develop a Simplified Environmental Study of impacts during the construction and rehabilitation of the Marine Biology Station on the Island of Inhaca.

This work includes the assessment of the potential environmental impacts during the rehabilitation of MBRS:

  1. Make recommendations for appropriate measures to be included in rehabilitation planning and preparation and the Strategic Marine and Coastal Research Plan for MBRS;
  2. The elaboration of an Environmental Management and Maintenance Plan for the long-term environmental sustainability of MBRS;
  3. Implementation of a “Green Day” training session to increase the environmental awareness of all employees at the MBRS Station;

Environmental Impact of “Montebelo Milibangalala Bay Resort”

Environmental Impact of “Montebelo Milibangalala Bay Resort”

Client – Grupo Visabeira
Location – Maputo Reserve – Matutuíne – Mozambique
Year – 2014
Time – 8 months

This project resulted in the Environmental Impact Study for the construction of an Eco-Lodge in the Maputo reserve (3000 ha) in the district of Matutuine.

This resulted in the following actions:

  • Report of the survey to the Ministry of the Environment, in order to define the level of potential impact (Category A, B or C);
  • Pre-Environmental Feasibility Study (EPDA) for approval by the Ministry of Environment;
  • Environmental Impact Study (RIMA), which includes the collection of data and assessments (socio – economic, terrestrial and marine, flora and fauna; coordination of community participation and public participation), as well as the Environmental Management Plan;
  • Implementation of HIV and gender guidelines;
  • Assist in liaising with the customer to acquire the Environmental License;

Southern Sun Hotel Maputo Environmental Impact – Expansion Project

Southern Sun Hotel Maputo Environmental Impact – Expansion Project

Client – Southern Sun Mozambique
Location – Maputo City
Year – 2014
Time – 3 months

Environmental Assessment and Management Plan with a view to revalidating the Environmental License of the Hotel Southern Sun Maputo, Mozambique, for the expansion of the hotel within a construction area of approximately 7,500 m2 in a coastal area of 1.44 hectares. This expansion was designed for commercial and residential installations.

Verde Azul was responsible for the following:

  • Report to the Ministry of the Environment that defined the level of impact in category B (requires a simplified study);
  • Presentation of Terms of Reference for the Evaluation of the Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) and collection of socio-economic data;
  • Simplified Environmental Study (EAS) and an Environmental Management Plan, which was approved by the Ministry of the Environment;
  • Design and implementation of the Environment and Educational Program for hygiene and HIV and implementation of Gender;
  • Monitoring the application and liaising with the Ministry of the Environment to acquire an environmental license.

Tourism Development in Chemucane – Maputo Special Reserve

Tourism Development in Chemucane – Maputo Special Reserve

Client – Bell Foundation Trust
Location – Maputo Province – Mozambique
Year – 2011
Time – 4 months

Environmental Impact Study for the “construction of a community Lodge” under a special license issued by the National Conservation Authority (DNAC) for an association called Ahi Zameni Chemucane.

The investment is financed by the Bell Foundation and involves the conservation of an area of about 800 hectares.

Verde Azul was responsible for:

  • Socio-economic data for terrestrial and marine fauna and flora;
  • Preparation of the Environmental Pre-Feasibility report followed by the terms of reference (EPDA and TOR);
  • Environmental impact study and management plan presented to the Bell Foundation for internal discussion;
  • Presentation of EIA (final report) to the Ministry of Environment;
  • Assistance to the Client and the Ministry of the Environment for approval of the environmental license.

Climate Change in Mozambique: Private Sector Participation for Adaptation and Resilience INGC Phase II, Theme 4

Climate Change in Mozambique: Private Sector Participation for Adaptation and Resilience INGC Phase II, Theme 4

Client – Embassy of Denmark (DANIDA)
Location – Mozambique
Year – 2009 – 2011
Time – 1.5 years

The main objective of this project was to ensure a rapid implementation of adaptation and resilience training, with an emphasis on disaster risk reduction, by involving the private sector in a structured and pragmatic way, so that the process can be replicated in other areas of Mozambique.

A strategic environmental assessment model was developed and implemented to determine the risks and opportunities for adaptation in a large geographical area of approximately 2.4 million hectares.

Verde Azul prepared and presented a model of how the private sector can be involved in building sustained wealth. Anchor projects were identified and meetings with stakeholders and the community were held to create awareness and learn how local communities are dealing with the changes that already affect their livelihoods.

The objective of involving the private sector was to rehabilitate degraded areas, to increase nature’s capacity to withstand extreme climatic conditions and to accelerate the transition from the current self-subsistence economy in the area to a competitive wage economy that can give individuals better living standards. and reduce poverty with permanent solutions for building resilience.

The work also involved the development of strategies that can safeguard important ecosystem services and ensure a better life for future generations.

The developed project was an instrument of strategic planning and measures for adaptation and building resilience in a geographical area of approximately 2.4 million hectares.

A pilot project was created for the production of agro-energy and support for research was provided, which is essential for the production of commercial organic sugar and bio ethanol that can respond to the needs of the local market.

8000 community members were involved in awareness-raising meetings.

A project model based on field experience and basic feedback was presented to INGC.

Environmental Assessment and Air and Water Monitoring

Environmental Assessment and Air and Water Monitoring

Client – SGS Mozambique
Location – Mozambique
Year – 2009 – 2010
Time – 12 months

Implementation of the environmental impact assessment and environmental management plan to mitigate the impact of the investment and assess the risk of deterioration of air and water in relation to an industrial development in Maputo, Mozambique. The contract was concluded by SGS. Verde Azul carried out an environmental impact assessment and developed an environmental management plan and a monitoring academy for SGS in the first phase.

Development of the Quirimbas National Park: Institutional and Legal Management of the Project

Development of the Quirimbas National Park: Institutional and Legal Management of the Project

Client – WWF Mozambique
Location – Cabo Delgado – Mozambique
Year – 2009
Time – 5 months

The objectives of the Development Project of the Quirimbas National Park (PNQ) were elaborated as follows:

1- Conception and proposal of three options for the institutional configuration of the PNQ for the government, donors and other interested parties, taking into account the current and future institutional and legal framework, in which these options can be developed. A seminar was held to present the strengths and weaknesses of the various options and to agree on the way forward.

2 – After choosing the final proposal, Verde Azul provided the following services:

  • legislative, procedural and technical recommendations for the implementation of an institutional framework;
  • legal and institutional options that work within the scope of existing legislation and national conservation policy still under consideration;
  • A trust fund concept has been proposed for protected areas in Mozambique.

From the work established in 2002, the following conclusions can be drawn:

  • establish an effective management of the park in such a way that its conservation goals are achieved. The study included important contributions from the discussions that took place on the legal and institutional configuration for the park and the second phase of the project. He highlighted the different institutional models already in place in Mozambique and which have benefited other experiences in the region and across Africa.

The proposed options were innovative, seeking, whenever possible, to operate within the prevailing political and legislative framework.

An action plan was presented involving pros and cons, strengths and weaknesses and risks, as well as mitigation actions that should be part of the implementation plans and strategic planning.

The team designed a roadmap for implementation, including all legislative, procedural and technical measures.

Theme: Overlay by Kaira ©2023 Verde Azul Consult, Lda. 🇲🇿 Todos os Direitos Reservados