Fixing Land Rights for Small and Medium Enterprises

Fixing Land Rights for Small and Medium Enterprises

Client – Zambezi Valley Development Agency
Location – Mozambique, Caia, Sofala Province
Year – 2015 – 2018
Time – 3 years in development

The purpose of this consultancy is to guarantee land rights for small and medium-sized companies operating in the district of Caia. Expected results are:

  • 3420 DUATs provided 2015-2018;
  • Assistance for the development of Business Plans for 1283 customers.

Green Revolution: National Agriculture Mechanization Strategy

Green Revolution: National Agriculture Mechanization Strategy

Location – Maputo Province (Moamba and Boane), Gaza Province (Chokwé and Chibuto), Zambézia Province (Nicoadala and Maganja de Costa)
Year – 2012 – 2013
Time – 9 months

Verde Azul was hired to assist the Minister of Agriculture in the development of a National Strategy for the Mechanization of small and medium-sized farms, with the aim of allowing the National Directorate of Agricultural Services to change the current situation that most farmers in Mozambique they face it, as they depend on human strength and traditional hand tools, and do not produce enough income for the purchase of agricultural inputs, resulting in low incomes generally sufficient only for self-subsistence and with very few surpluses for sale.

The strategy’s objective was to create conditions to increase production and productivity in small agricultural units through the use of new and suitable forms of motor energy (tractors, machines, electrical energy, renewable energy, etc.), animal energy and / or use new agrarian knowledge.

The strategy developed by Verde Azul included the production of materials to promote and coordinate interventions in the mechanized agriculture value chain, as well as concrete proposals and model examples for improving agricultural technology and practices. This was very important in areas with agricultural potential and provided a competitive advantage to encourage profitable agricultural production.

Three Provinces and six geographical areas were selected for the project’s field research: Maputo Province (Moamba and Boane), Gaza Province (Chokwé and Chibuto) and Zambézia Province (Nicoadala and Maganja de Costa). The study areas were selected to understand the different actors involved in the mechanization process. The field research included inventories of existing agricultural production value chain systems.

The reports included recommendations for processing and assembling implements and machines, supplying tools and machines, evaluating and recommending suitable production systems in relation to energy use. Case studies and mechanization models and models were presented, as well as a marketing strategy. Various training courses were developed through provincial seminars for the preparation of the master plan.

Technical Assistance to the Terra Segura Project in Cape Verde

Technical Assistance to the Terra Segura Project in Cape Verde

Client – Government of Cape Verde and MCC Cape Verde
Location – Cape Verde
Year – 2014 – 2016
Time – 12 months in development

The aim of this project is to provide technical assistance to the government authorities of Cape Verde. It was started on the ground in 2014. It aims to facilitate improvements in land administration systems and land rights records for communities, civil society and investors, with the purpose of analyzing the corresponding policies and legislation and providing advice to the authorities.

LIMS – Extension to the Level of 6 Provinces of Central and Southern Mozambique

LIMS – Extension to the Level of 6 Provinces of Central and Southern Mozambique

Client – Millennium Challenge Account (MCA)
Location – Mozambique
Year – 2013
Time – 6 months

This project involved the collection of data in order to understand the needs to be adopted in SPGCs with the capacity to implement LIMSs in 6 provinces within the scope of the LIMSs Expansion project – Summary of physical installations of SPGCs, human resources research, infra -structures and data networks.

Expansion of SIGITs – The collection of data from the SPGCs project. Supply of equipment and installation of energy and data networks and small refurbishments in 6 SPGCs. Training of 1 or 2 technicians per province to guarantee operational support in 3 locations for each province.

TIA – Agriculture Database Analysis (2002-2012)

TIA – Agriculture Database Analysis (2002-2012)

Client – Ministry of Agriculture
Location – Mozambique
Year – 2013
Time – 8 months

Verde Azul produced documentation that supported the development of agricultural development policies and strategies, as well as for decision making, based on data from the Government’s Integrated Agricultural Survey.

The Ministry of Agriculture suggested the analysis of several themes, in order to define which strategic policies to implement. Verde Azul was responsible for the following areas:

1) the use of agricultural inputs in Mozambican agriculture;

2) agricultural mechanization, use of animal traction and productivity.

The analyzes were done in Stata, a simple analysis model, and it was implemented using analysis of trends in agricultural inputs in the country, and included studies on irrigation, chemical fertilizers, improved corn seeds and the impact and use of pesticides.

The study assumed that an increase in commercialization would lead to an increase in the use of basic products, a greater intensification of agriculture, an increase in productivity and a greater production of agricultural products. The analysis was carried out by stratifying Households using the Evolution Cycle Model (Creation, Expansion, Consolidation and Withdrawal or Dissolution by Spin-Off).

The main results were a set of data that facilitated the reduction of tax limits and benefits for agricultural investments in rural areas.

Safe Land in Maputo City

Safe Land in Maputo City

Client – Maputo Municipality (CMM)
Location – Maputo City – Mozambique
Year – 2013 – 2015
Time – 20 months in development

The general objective of this project is to provide technical assistance to the Municipality of Maputo, to strengthen the regularization of land tenure and land registration in peri-urban areas of Maputo, including a development methodology and supervision mechanisms for the demarcation and registration of land . The DUATs program – massive regularization will be applied in a specific area, so that it can be improved and applied to a wide range of informal settlements, with the aim of establishing a routine that will generate greater efficiency and transparency in the allocation of DUATs in Maputo. This program will cover at least 30,800 lots in nine neighborhoods, defined by partial urban plans, that is, Zimpeto, Magoanine A, B and C, Albazine, Mahotas, 3 de Fevereiro, Laulane and Ferroviário.

ENICA Project – Agro-Industry Development, Focusing on Banana Production, Packaging and Export, Chiúre – Cabo Delgado Province

ENICA Project – Agro-Industry Development, Focusing on Banana Production, Packaging and Export, Chiúre – Cabo Delgado Province

Client – ENICA
Location – Cabo Delgado – Mozambique
Year – 2011 – 2012
Time – 2 years

Verde Azul was contracted by a group of national investors to assist in the development of banana production in the North and South of Mozambique. This project involved land identification and legalization of 3000 ha (DUAT) for agro-industrial production and banana packaging for export.

The banana production project foresees the development of agricultural properties that give possibilities to other investors and integrated producers, in order to attract enough investors to justify the improvement of the social and commercial infrastructure, and thus, have lasting impacts of improving standards opportunities for life and work.

Land Auditing Procedures in Mozambique: Simplification, Reducing Bureaucracy and Increasing Transparency and Accountability

Land Auditing Procedures in Mozambique: Simplification, Reducing Bureaucracy and Increasing Transparency and Accountability

Client – National Directorate of Land and Forestry (DNTF)
Location – Mozambique
Year – 2014 – 2015
Time – 1 year

This study will support the development of a control (audit) system for land administration, which is essentially focused on providing transparent and pragmatic technical guidance. It will develop methodologies and skills for land regularization in priority areas.

In this context, the audit system should also help to identify unauthorized land use. Today, these are used as a direct source of revenue through the collection of fines.

The audit system will involve an exchange between consultants and civil servants in the land area (civil servants) at all levels (district, SPGCs, provincial and central), through joint work consultation (on-job training) ) and through meetings and exchange of experiences.

Protecting Land Use Rights (DUAT) in Mozambique

Protecting Land Use Rights (DUAT) in Mozambique

Client – National Directorate of Land and Forestry (DNTF)
Location – Mozambique
Year – 2014 – 2015
Time – 1 year

This project was a study that will serve as a basis for the elaboration of a proposal to simplify the procedures for the process of acquisition of Land Use (DUAT – Rights) that reduces barriers, bureaucracy, improves transparency and accountability, being compatible with the information system in DNTF (Sigit).

The new system aims to reduce time, risk and share information between different entities for Land Use (Municipalities, rural areas, coastal protection areas, mining, etc.) and infrastructure registration (Land Register) producing thus, a formal document of high value for the end user. A value that protects land rights and participation in the market economy.

In this context, it resulted in a bibliography review, data collection, procedural consultations, consultations with different stakeholders at district, provincial and central level, capitalizing on the RDUAT -LTR experience of the MCA project and the respective mapping.

Impact of the Lethal Yellowing Disease of the Coconut Tree in Zambézia and South of Nampula

Impact of the Lethal Yellowing Disease of the Coconut Tree in Zambézia and South of Nampula

Client – MCA
Location – Nampula and Zambézia – Mozambique
Year – 2012
Time – 9 months

The aim of the project was to understand and quantify how CLYD and the Oryctes infestation can affect the farming system, livelihood, family income and food security for small farmers, and to develop impact scenarios based on levels of disease and pest infestation in the coastal districts of Zambézia and Nampula.

Verde Azul collected data through several instruments:

  • Geo-referencing, observation and collection of economic and social data through questionnaires to families;
  • Description of existing family farming systems;
  • Description and quantification of aspects related to the families’ source of income, with an emphasis on coconut and its derived products;
  • Description of issues related to food security.

Verde Azul developed several scenarios that differentiated between the different strata of income levels, measured the impact and the probable economic losses of different degrees of diseases and infestation by pest.

Verde Azul validated the impact of each LAC model and pest management in terms of loss of income generation in the affected communities.

Theme: Overlay by Kaira ©2023 Verde Azul Consult, Lda. 🇲🇿 Todos os Direitos Reservados