Territorial Planning

Verde Azul maintains the highest ethical respect for Mozambique’s land, water and other natural resources. Verde Azul has an in-house team of over thirty experts covering land rights, community land use and land ownership, land tenure, population, urbanization, construction and land use planning.

Verde Azul’s experience in land administration involves community land rights, identification of suitable land for investment, socio-economic mapping and mapping of use of natural resources as well as a systematic approach to resilience building. One such tool is the identification of high value conservation areas. This approach is successful in maintaining ecosystem resilience while assisting investors in maximizing their projects in the best and most sustainable locations.

Verde Azul also supports the preparation of resettlement plans using geo-spatial information. Verde Azul also formed a group of companies that carry out specialized works on land, covering from topographic surveys and surveys on water to agriculture, tourism, forest development, as well as environmental auditing, urban development and sustainable construction. We work directly with national and foreign institutions and investors.


  • Right of Use of Land Real Estate Registry (DUAT);
  • Real Estate Registry (Registo Predial);
  • Strategic Land Tenure Planning.

Ongoing Projects (2020–2021)

  • Technical Assistance to National Directorate of Land and Forestry Nationally (central and provincial level) under GESTERRA;
  • Capacity Building and development of the TERRA SEGURA (Land Security) project including the formalization of customary land rights to communities and on-the-job training and field work in GPS, SIG and zoning for sustainable land use and natural resource management;
  • Preparation of a Comprehensive Field Operations Manual, Systematic Land Rights and Boundaries Clarification and Regularization of land rights on Ilha de Sal – Cape Verde;
  • DUAT (Right of Use and Occupation of Land) Regularizations in Urban areas of Maputo Municipality – PROMAPUTO;
  • Securing land rights for small and medium commercial enterprises in Beira Corridor – Caia (Sofala);
  • Land Tenure Security services for value chain actors in the areas of red meat, cassava and vegetables – PROSUL (Inhambane, Gaza & Maputo);
  • Inventory and mapping of Use and Occupation of Land Utilization in Morrumbala District (Zambézia).

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