HIV and AIDS in the Workplace – Preventive Health Care for Employees of the National Road Authority of Mozambique (ANE)
Client – ANE
Location – Maputo – Mozambique
Year – 2006 – 2007
Time – 12 months
The aim of this project was to develop an HIV / AIDS program in the workplace, based on the needs of the worker.
The project aimed to understand the needs faced by ANE employees, and then to develop and implement an intervention program to raise the awareness of employees of the National Road Administration (ANE) on HIV and AIDS issues.
Verde Azul carried out the following activities:
Data collection through:
i) survey of ANE officials;
ii) small focus group discussions;
iii) interviews with key people.
The collected information was used to design an intervention program.
The program was presented to the team and reviewed during a working meeting facilitated by Verde Azul. Then it was approved by the Director and the Board of Directors of ANE.
The program was evaluated and the comments confirmed that it raised awareness and the program provided much needed information, in addition to communication materials (brochures, pamphlets, posters and condoms).
It triggered educational events, such as debates, theaters, physical activities and competitions through a communication strategy outline that Verde Azul prepared for ANE.
ANE has developed voluntary HIV-AIDS counseling and testing with the assistance of Verde Azul.
The program resulted in the implementation of mechanisms to support workers living with HIV, through health care and nutritional assistance. An assessment was carried out after 6 months, and the ANE offices performed better.