National Strategic Plan for HIV (2010-2014)

Client – MONASO AED – Mozambique
Location – Mozambique
Year – 2010
Time – 12 months

The main objective of the consultancy was to design and develop a Strategic Plan for the Management of the Network of Organizations to support HIV / AIDS programs in Mozambique for the period 2010-2014.

The deliverables of this project involved several strategic documents and activities:

a) The diagnosis based on the document review;
b) Communication strategy for political dialogue (Lobby and Advocacy);
c) Organizational Development Plan (Communication, Coordination and Training);
d) Training for support services to be provided directly to the recipient (integrated health services);
e) Institutional assessment of financial sustainability;
f) Market positioning analysis and interviews with key people from other organizations (CNCS, MISAU, Partners, Women’s Forum, LDH) to measure the external point of view in relation to MONASO’s strategic positioning;
g) Definition of MONASO’s strategic pillars through a series of participatory sessions, where the role of Verde Azul was that of a facilitator;
h) Validation of the diagnosis through a series of presentations and feedback from the Board of Directors (Draft 1);
i) Definition of a revised version of the Organization’s Vision and Mission;
j) Facilitating the development of strategic indicators.

These results were presented in a final report and used as a working document by MONASO for its institutional development.

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