Production and Banana in Northern Mozambique: Compensation and Resettlement Plan

Client – ENICA
Location – Cabo-Delgado – Mozambique
Year – 2012
Time – 5 months

Verde Azul assisted a team of Mozambican investors in the banana agro-industry area – Enica, to prepare a Resettlement Plan for the first 1000 hectares planned as their cultivation areas.

The results included the analysis of the socioeconomic profile of the affected families, as well as the preparation of the resettlement plan and the resettlement action plan.

The results were composed by:

  • Mapping of the resettlement area;
  • Assessment of potential adverse and positive impacts on communities in quantitative and qualitative terms;
  • Evaluation and analysis of potential loss of tangible and intangible assets;
  • Definition of the compensation and eligibility criteria for beneficiaries;
  • Presentation of technically and economically viable solutions and alternatives to ensure that the current standard of living of affected families is improved as a result of resettlement.

The work involved data collection through a deep understanding of the infrastructures, improvements, natural resources and those of households affected by the project in Ocua-Chiúre. The presentation of a compensation and resettlement plan for an estimated area of 1,000 ha in the Namravarava community, Ocua locality in the Chiúre district, in the province of Cabo Delgado.

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