PROSUL is a project composed of several components and diverse actors, where the objective is to provide support to communities and associations to guarantee their rights to land and natural resources, having as target group the value chains of cassava, red meat and vegetables .
Verde Azul works on the formalization and issuance of DUATs – Document of Law and Use of Land Use. The work includes the delimitation of land in the community, the issuance of DUATs, the demarcation of land use areas and the documentation of group rules and social status for the regular allocation and use of land.
After the entire process was completed, Verde Azul, together with the Provincial and District Government, has already carried out 2 DUAT delivery ceremonies to the communities. The first took place in Chilala, and the second in Morrumbene, which makes a total delivery of 3500 DUATs, where all goals defined by PROSUR are being met, and mainly, the communities are receiving their DUAT, and guaranteeing the their rights on land use and improvement.