Safe Land in Maputo City
Client – Maputo Municipality (CMM)
Location – Maputo City – Mozambique
Year – 2013 – 2015
Time – 20 months in development
The general objective of this project is to provide technical assistance to the Municipality of Maputo, to strengthen the regularization of land tenure and land registration in peri-urban areas of Maputo, including a development methodology and supervision mechanisms for the demarcation and registration of land . The DUATs program – massive regularization will be applied in a specific area, so that it can be improved and applied to a wide range of informal settlements, with the aim of establishing a routine that will generate greater efficiency and transparency in the allocation of DUATs in Maputo. This program will cover at least 30,800 lots in nine neighborhoods, defined by partial urban plans, that is, Zimpeto, Magoanine A, B and C, Albazine, Mahotas, 3 de Fevereiro, Laulane and Ferroviário.