Study of the Impact of HIV / AIDS in the Ministry of Education, Mozambique

Client – Ministry of Education
Location – Mozambique
Year – 2003 – 2004
Time – 6 months

Verde Azul implemented a demographic study on the impact of HIV / AIDS on the Ministry of Education and its institutions in Mozambique.

This work involved an initial discussion with the client about the development of human resources and the need for good practices and collaboration between government institutions on the best way to tackle HIV in the workplace.

Verde Azul provided technical assistance and facilitated the development of policies and activities for the Ministry.

The project resulted in the development and publication of linked documents:

  • Options for HIV Policy in terms of Human Resources and Education Management;
  • a brochure “HIV / AIDS and You”;
  • a management tool for including HIV / AIDS in school management.

In addition, Verde Azul implemented training for trainers on the use of documentation, and consulted the Ministry on how to integrate HIV / AIDS into its planning, and also proposed a matrix for information sharing and dialogue between the various ministries.

Theme: Overlay by Kaira ©2023 Verde Azul Consult, Lda. 🇲🇿 Todos os Direitos Reservados