Technical Assistance to School Directors for the Implementation of the National HIV / AIDS Policy – Ministry of Education (MINED) – 2 Phases

Client – UNICEF / Ministry of Education (MINED)
Location – Mozambique
Year – 2003 – 2005
Time – 18 months

Verde Azul provided the Ministry of Education with general coordination, which prepared, developed and implemented a training program for school principals and staff, in order for them to implement the national HIV-AIDS policy. This project had two phases:

Phase 1

i) Elaboration of the first draft of MINED’s HIV / AIDS policy;
ii) the distribution of the approved policy to the MINED Teacher Education institutions;
iii) elaboration of the support document for the school principals – “Managing the school in an HIV / AIDS context”;
iv) promoting participation and discussions about the content of the documents.

Phase 2 – Monitoring and Supervising the Training of Trainers in the program.

Theme: Overlay by Kaira ©2023 Verde Azul Consult, Lda. 🇲🇿 Todos os Direitos Reservados