Training on Environmental Impact Assessments

Client – USAID
Location – Mozambique and Angola
Year – 2005 – 2007
Time – 17 months

Verde Azul was the main facilitator and responsible for training government officials and NGOs, under the coordination of SUN MOUNTAIN, a private company.

Verde Azul carried out a survey of training needs assessment in Mozambique, to evaluate the appropriate curricular training courses for USAID Reg. 216, for environmental impact studies.

According to US regulations, all recipients of funds are required to follow reg. 216, and simultaneously adhere to national environmental regulations.

Training in both countries devoted much of the course to specific aspects of how to conduct environmental assessments and prepare environmental management plans.

The contents of the course were very broad, focusing on aspects from the design phase to the implementation of a project.

The curriculum was delivered in phases: one week of intensive training – each of them given three times over a period of 17 months.

These weeks of intensive training were then complemented with practical visits to the field, monitoring in the workplace (coaching) and environmental reports.

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