Analysis of Biodiversity and Technical Support for the Preservation and Restoration of Tropical Forests and Biological Diversity

Client – Chemonics International INC (USAID)
Location – Mozambique
Year – 2008
Time – 3 months

Verde Azul carried out an evaluation of:

(1) the current status of biodiversity and forest conservation in Mozambique;

(2) the actions needed in Mozambique to conserve tropical forests and biological diversity, and;

(3) the extent to which the proposed actions for USAID / Mozambique support respond or could respond to needs.

The assessment was intended to serve as a planning tool for USAID / Mozambique and a step towards integrating environmental issues into its existing programs and proposals (integration).

Verde Azul has committed to provide:

1) logistical assistance;

2) coastal context / knowledge for site visits;

3) Report on the institutional environment in Mozambique, as well as entry to a country profile in four areas:

  • mapping and evaluation of the physical environment, land use and the current state of biodiversity and forest resources and the causes of agriculture- land degradation and actions needed for the future;
  • current assessment of the local economy and prospects for potential growth over the short and medium term;
  • existing and planned legal institutional environment – government, Ministry of Environment, NGOs and donor programs, including a brief assessment of the effectiveness, strengths and weaknesses of existing institutions;
  • activities that contribute to the conservation and sustainable management of natural resources.
Theme: Overlay by Kaira ©2023 Verde Azul Consult, Lda. 🇲🇿 Todos os Direitos Reservados