Assistance to Flood Affected People
Client – Embassy of Sweden
Location – Mozambique
Year – 2000 – 2001
Time – 8 months
Verde Azul coordinated assistance to the Swedish aid agency AIDS during a transitional period, when the program needed to be expanded to respond to the need for assistance in February 2000.
This involved recommendations on priority programs to be financed and the coordination of ASDI funding to NGOs, United Nations agencies and the Government.
Verde Azul participated in support meetings with the Minister of Interior, informing the ambassador and the director of Swedish aid (Sida) in Mozambique.
Verde Azul participated in coordination meetings with the United Nations and made recommendations to AIDS on how best to assist in assistance after the floods in the districts of Chókwè, Guijá, Chibuto, Xai-Xai, Bilene and Macia.
Verde Azul carried out the monitoring and implementation of immediate support and identification programs for groups that were isolated, in setting up camps and setting up tents, water treatment, construction of latrines, distribution of hygiene and cleaning kits, provision medical health care, clothing distribution and diversified distribution of raw materials for cooking in the districts of Chókwè, Guijá, Chibuto, Xai-Xai, Bilene and Macia.
When the water level declined, Verde Azul recommended specific programs for affected households, so that they could return to their homes and farmland areas, and restore their livelihoods.
The assistance included the preparation of the Terms of Reference, the proposals and the hiring of several NGOs and consultancy groups to implement these restoration programs.