Community Delimitation and Land Use Planning and Land Regularization, Demarcation of Parcels, Survey of Limits, Preparation and Issuance of DUATS

  • Rural Development: Land Administration and Management.

Strengthen security of land tenure for national citizens who occupy land according to customary norms and practices and/or in good faith and improve the efficiency of land administration services.

  • Delimitation of lands occupied by communities and regularization of Land Use and Benefit Rights;
  • Improvement in the efficiency and accessibility of land administration services;
  • Strengthening the capabilities of institutions in managing land and other natural resources;
  • Reduction in the cost of issuing the DUAT.
  • April 2023 until March 2024.
  • Verde Azul will implement the project in 8 districts of Tete Province, which make up LOTS 8 and 9, in which Community Delimitations (DelCom) and DUAT regularization (RDUAT) will be made.
GOALS: Community Delimitation and Land Use Planning and Issuance of Community Delimitation Certificates THEMATIC AREA:
  • Rural Development: Land Administration and Management.

Strengthen security of land tenure for national citizens who occupy land according to customary norms and practices and/or in good faith and improve the efficiency of land administration services.

  • Delimitation of lands occupied by communities and regularization of Land Use and Benefit Rights;
  • Improvement in the efficiency and accessibility of land administration services;
  • Strengthening the capabilities of institutions in managing land and other natural resources;
  • Reduction in the cost of issuing the DUAT.
  • April 2023 until March 2024.
  • Verde Azul will implement the project in 10 districts in the Provinces of Nampula and Cabo Delgado, in which community delimitations will be made.
Mozland: Increases the number of citizens with the Right to Use and Benefit from Land (DUAT’s) in Tete Province.

Around 428,000 families from 11 districts in Tete province will benefit, this year, from Land Use and Benefit Rights, within the scope of the Terra Segura presidential initiative. This is the second phase of the project, which also foresees delimiting 200 community lands, with the aim of strengthening land tenure security for local communities.
Joint planning in Namuno.

RURAL MARKET ACCESS PROJECT (PROMER): Land Tenure (DUAT) Registration and Regularization Project Targeting Individual and Famers Groups Supported by PROMER

RURAL MARKET ACCESS PROJECT (PROMER): Land Tenure (DUAT) Registration and Regularization Project Targeting Individual and Famers Groups Supported by PROMER

Location – Nampula & Zambézia – Mozambique
Year – November 2018 – August 2019
Duration – 9 months

Description of Project:

General objective was to formalize land use rights of 156 Associations (Farmers’ Organizations) and 9,030 parcels of land occupied by individual farmers either from PROMER OPs, and/or other indirect PROMER beneficiaries, contributing to (i) strengthening the capacity of occupants in good faith and by customary norms and practices, (ii) protection of the rights of occupants in good faith and through customary norms and practices, of local communities, promoting citizenship and sustainable development, and (iii) consolidate the land management and administration system.

Main activities:

Description of actual services provided by Verde Azul within the assignment:

Land Tenure Security, within the scope of PROMER, envisage two major stakeholders:

(i) First to support Farmers’ Associations, Forum, Federations and Agro-dealers in the demarcation of their areas (production and implantation of business infrastructures, warehouse or agro-processing facilities), through facilitating the DUAT request/processing,

(ii) Second, targeting beneficiaries (individuals / members of the associations), through RDUAT.

(iii) VA implemented and completed the field activities, i.e. survey and registration of the planned parcels in the four (4) districts of Block C, namely Ribáué, Malema, Alto Molócue and Gurué, in the provinces of Nampula, and Zambézia, respectively.

ECOENERGIA – Production of Bioethanol for Food

ECOENERGIA – Production of Bioethanol for Food

Client – Partnership between Verde Azul and EcoEnergia for the development of the project
Location – Maputo Province, Moamba
Year – 2014 – 2019
Time – 5 years

This project involves a strategic partnership between Verde Azul and EcoEnergia. The project is in the concept phase and presents an opportunity to invest in the production of Bio Ethanol for cooking. This project will:

  • Provide 11000 households in Maputo and Matola with Bio Ethanol for cooking;
  • Reduce dependence on fossil fuel imports;
  • Generation of direct employment for about 100 people;
  • Reduce deforestation;
  • Improve the health of families and increase social welfare and cook in a healthier and more sustainable way;
  • Introduce food production and diversification of ethanol for medicinal purposes and for the cosmetic industry.

The project needs about 5.2 million USD of investment over five years, and offers a 19% rate of return. There are countless advantages for investors, for Mozambique to encourage the production and use of biofuels as a way to reduce poverty.

Fixing Land Rights for Small and Medium Enterprises

Fixing Land Rights for Small and Medium Enterprises

Client – Zambezi Valley Development Agency
Location – Mozambique, Caia, Sofala Province
Year – 2015 – 2018
Time – 3 years in development

The purpose of this consultancy is to guarantee land rights for small and medium-sized companies operating in the district of Caia. Expected results are:

  • 3420 DUATs provided 2015-2018;
  • Assistance for the development of Business Plans for 1283 customers.

Community Management of High Value Conservation Areas in the Mountains of Northern Mozambique

Community Management of High Value Conservation Areas in the Mountains of Northern Mozambique

Client – Bird Life International, IUCN and CEPF
Location – Chiperone Mountain, Milange District, Zambézia Province
Year – 2015
Time – 4 months in development

Ecological and socially based study of a vulnerable and strategically important ecosystem around Monte Chiperone in the province of Zambézia, Mozambique.

Monte Chiperone is a remote and largely unknown mountainous area, but with a wealth of species yet to be discovered. It presents isolated features of the forest that were separated by many thousands of years. In 2014, researchers found that Mount Chiperone is home to many species not found anywhere else, an example of which is the pygmy chameleon of a different species, as well as new species of snakes and butterflies that have recently been found in this area. The expedition stated that many more discoveries are expected in the future.

The focus of this project is to manage and protect this important conservation area.

Institutional Strengthening and Capacity Building of Milk Cooperatives in Manica

Institutional Strengthening and Capacity Building of Milk Cooperatives in Manica

Client – DGRV
Location – Manica – Mozambique
Year – 2013 – 2015
Time – 2 years

Assistance, Training and Institutional Capacity Building of 4 cooperatives for a total of 250 members to assist cooperatives in the development of a more profitable and socially and environmentally sustainable cooperative.

The cooperatives have received technical assistance from the Cooperative Union of American Cooperatives (UCLA) and Land O’Lakes since 2008. This assistance was provided to DANMOZ, a yogurt and cheese producer in Manica, who have been instrumental in promoting the establishment of these cooperatives. . Assistance from UCLA and Land O’Lakes will continue until the end of the year. Verde Azul’s assistance aims to form cooperatives in a sustainable manner. The project was extended at the end of 2014, to include the establishment of a cooperative union that will provide services to the others, such as: milk collection, milk conservation centers, sales negotiations, etc. The work involved assistance in defining strategic plans and developing operational business plans for each cooperative.

MCENAS: Evaluation of Education in Mozambique

MCENAS: Evaluation of Education in Mozambique

Client – E2A
Location – Inhambane and Matola – Mozambique
Year – 2014
Time – 8 months

The Pathfinder project, called mCenas!, is an interactive SMS system that was implemented by Verde Azul in 2014. The aim of the project was to reach young people (15-24 years old – with and without children) via SMS with educational messages based on a life story and an informational messaging system that will increase knowledge about contraceptive methods, dispel common myths and address common obstacles that young people face regarding the use of contraceptives.

Verde Azul has generated evidence on the acceptability of information about contraception by sms if it is acceptable, and what is its impact on the knowledge, attitudes and self-efficacy of male and female youth aged 18-24 years in Mozambique. This project followed a narrow protocol that required a dynamic flow of participants in the field.

The SMS system that was evaluated had three main components:

  1. a story passed through SMS messages, based on the theory of behavior change to create a convincing and realistic narrative with which young people can relate and take advantage to deepen the dialogue and reflection with their peers (2 months);
  2. informational messages about each contraceptive method (one month);
  3. an interactive frequently asked question where young people could contact the system for information on a range of SRH topics.

The evaluation, which was conducted by E2A, focused on the sample of young people aged 18-24 years, distinguishing male and female subgroups with and without children in the cities of Inhambane and Matola.

The final documents included Baseline and Final Studies, as well as a summary of effectiveness, adjustments and improvements, as well as an action plan for the follow-up and monitoring of the SMS system.

ANGELIQUE – Mapping the Future Expansion of the Energy Supply

ANGELIQUE – Mapping the Future Expansion of the Energy Supply

Client – EDM, “Angelique”
Location – Cabo Delgado and Nampula
Year – 2015
Time – 2.5 months in development

This project has the following components:

  1. Survey of potential consumers of electricity, so that with this work, it is intended to locate potential consumers and identify who is already consuming electricity, this methodology is done with a GPS and digitally;
  2. Topographic description of the areas where the implementation of medium voltage lines and posts is planned.

This project will be implemented in the provinces of Nampula and Cabo Delgado.

Financial Plan for the Conservation Areas System in Mozambique

Financial Plan for the Conservation Areas System in Mozambique

Client – ANAC / MITUR
Location – Mozambique
Year – 2014 – 2015
Time – 8 months in development

This project was intended for the preparation of the Financial Plan for the Conservation Areas System in Mozambique, for a medium term period, in favor of a sustainable financial and ecological management of natural resources, biodiversity conservation and well-being of humanity.

Financial planning will include cost estimates for different types of conservation areas (and their protection zones), all included within the scope of the new Conservation Policy for Mozambique (National Parks, National Reserves including Biological and Marine Reserves, Forest Reserves and community reserves).

Bio Energy Production and Distribution in Cabo Delgado Province

Bio Energy Production and Distribution in Cabo Delgado Province

Client – SEKAB
Location – Cabo Delgado – Mozambique
Year – 2006 – 2010
Time – 8 years

Verde Azul provided management support and technical support for the development of an agro-energy investment project for a consortium of private investors that are linked to sugar production in southern Africa, as well as to the biofuels market in Sweden and other countries Europeans.

The project involved the strategic analysis of the various production opportunities in the country, establishment of production tests to select the varieties with the best performance, design of bankable projects and start of commercial operations. In the first phase, a sugar factory was set up to produce and market organically raw, unrefined and certified sugar, and commercially fair for Cabo Delgado Province.

The country’s coastal zone was digitized in five strategic areas with the potential to produce a critical mass of agricultural products and presented to the Board of Directors.

A 4-year research project was implemented in collaboration with ICRISAT and IIAM.

The EIA had its social and community and stakeholder base in an established network. Pre-certification by RSB and ECOCERT was prepared and granted to the project.

The pre-commercial phase included the mobilization of the team for the project (+/- 40 people), Environmental and Social License and authorization, and water license, land use, agricultural development, industrial processing export approvals and import. It also involved obtaining a permanent land use title (DUAT) in favor of the project, authorization from the CPI and community institutions, as well as from interested parties through regular community consultations.

It also involved mapping and resettling 600 families of self-subsistence farmers, using the principle of prior and free consent and the IFC manual for rural resettlements.

Commercial operations started in June 2012. Verde Azul supervised the team’s performance and are involved in requesting financing and purchase and sale contracts for the production of sugar. Verde Azul will start planning a second phase of bio ethanol production to mix with gasoline for the northern region (domestic supply).

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