Elaboration of a Project for the Creation and Maintenance of Cemetery Areas in Maputo

Client – SEED
Location – Maputo City – Mozambique
Year – 2008
Time – 9 months

Verde Azul prepared and launched a tender to hire a consulting company that could implement measures to mitigate social and environmental impacts in two areas of the cemetery in Maputo City.

The services were designed in four phases:

  • First phase: collection of information, characterizations and preliminary assessments;
  • Second phase: preparation of the preliminary project;
  • Third phase: preparing the New Cemetery project;
  • Fourth phase: preparation of the specifications and assistance for the bidding process and evaluation of proposals.
Theme: Overlay by Kaira ©2023 Verde Azul Consult, Lda. 🇲🇿 Todos os Direitos Reservados