Land Auditing Procedures in Mozambique: Simplification, Reducing Bureaucracy and Increasing Transparency and Accountability
Client – National Directorate of Land and Forestry (DNTF)
Location – Mozambique
Year – 2014 – 2015
Time – 1 year
This study will support the development of a control (audit) system for land administration, which is essentially focused on providing transparent and pragmatic technical guidance. It will develop methodologies and skills for land regularization in priority areas.
In this context, the audit system should also help to identify unauthorized land use. Today, these are used as a direct source of revenue through the collection of fines.
The audit system will involve an exchange between consultants and civil servants in the land area (civil servants) at all levels (district, SPGCs, provincial and central), through joint work consultation (on-job training) ) and through meetings and exchange of experiences.