Situation Analysis of Orphaned and Vulnerable Children in Mozambique

Location – Mozambique
Year – 2004 – 2006
Time – 36 months

Verde Azul was contracted by SIAPAC Namibia, which carried out research for UNICEF, with the aim of:

  1. Identify the strategies used by communities to deal with the impact of HIV / AIDS, in particular in relation to care for children;
  2. Collect quantitative data on the global situation of children in the affected districts, as well as the specific situation of OVCs in the communities included in the survey. This included identifying families headed by children;
  3. Qualitatively gather descriptive information about the social context in which OVCs live, including positive experiences, as well as cases of abandonment, exploitation, discrimination and abuse, and the denial of legal rights;
  4. Identify the good practices used by service providers, government institutions and civil society organizations in response to the impact of HIV / AIDS on OVCs;
  5. Identify obstacles related to responsibilities, resources, authorities and participation of caregivers, communities and service providers in fulfilling their obligations to OVC.

The basic precondition for the success of this research was: the effective involvement of inquirers from the structures of Social Action in field research and a broad and inclusive participation in the project to define methodologies and modalities for data collection. Efficient management and training of enumerators, supervisors and facilitators, management of quantitative field information and application of quantitative questionnaires.

The research involved:

  • 75 communities in 15 districts in 10 provinces;
  • 2250 quantitative questionnaires (interviews 35-55 minutes);
  • 20 interviews with key national informants;
  • 5 provincial meetings;
  • 15 district meetings;
  • 75 community meetings;
  • 25 interviews with key informants at the local level;
  • 20 focus group discussions;
  • 10 case studies with orphans;
  • 10 case studies with caregivers.

Responsibility for writing the reports in Portuguese and English, the connection with the main user – the Ministry of Women and Social Action (MMAS), and the presentation of the results to the Reference Group and in some broader participation seminars.

Theme: Overlay by Kaira ©2023 Verde Azul Consult, Lda. 🇲🇿 Todos os Direitos Reservados